We all know someone who has had an excellent and inspiring journey that can help aspiring youth navigate through challenges and obstacles and emerge triumphant. They can be from any stream: art, literature, business, sports, or anything else. They’ve made it big – their story must be told. It’s a way to give society back and express gratitude. Contact us, […]
Preserving the Stories of Those Who Inspire Us
Some lives shine with quiet brilliance — stories of perseverance, resilience, and triumph that often go untold. The Memoir Project is a heartfelt initiative dedicated to supporting families and loved ones in preserving these incredible journeys. Through storytelling, we transform extraordinary lives into legacies that inspire and teach aspirants for generations to come. The protagonists may often hesitate, but every […]
Memoirs: The Alkahest of Life
In every corner of life, there exists a story — a narrative that shapes who we are and how we’re remembered. Memoirs are not just words on paper; they are the alkahest of life, dissolving the mundane to unveil the essence of pride, gratitude, and resilience.Each memoir carries a spark, that ignites inspiration, reminding others that hard work and perseverance […]
Memoirs: Stories Worth Telling
Every story has the power to inspire. From the relentless pursuit of an entrepreneur to the boundless creativity of an artist or the dedication of an athlete, tales of tenacity deserve to be told. Yet, many such stories remain untold — not because they lack worth but because their narrators hesitate or don’t know where to begin. Under Memoirs, we […]
Navigating Through Constrained Paths
Someone you know has herself/himself made their fortune by their own perseverance and hard work. And each time you hear the incidents from their life, you feel proud and inspired. These stories often go beyond struggles and challenges, revealing amusing, and sometimes even hilarious, moments. In his memoir, Mr. Anil A. Raje recalls one such intriguing anecdote from his pre-engineering […]
Action Creates Motivation
“Motivation often comes after starting, not before. Action is what leads to motivation. Most people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity. They think they need to feel ready before they act, but in reality, action creates motivation,” says American author James Clear in his book released in 2016. The observation is evident in Mr. Raje’s […]