Someone you know has herself/himself made their fortune by their own perseverance and hard work. And each time you hear the incidents from their life, you feel proud and inspired.
These stories often go beyond struggles and challenges, revealing amusing, and sometimes even hilarious, moments.
In his memoir, Mr. Anil A. Raje recalls one such intriguing anecdote from his pre-engineering college days. It’s both amusing and insightful, illustrating how fate and circumstances can shape our lives, often beyond our decisions.
Here’s a small excerpt from his memoir:
“In hindsight, I never wanted to do engineering after completing my pre-university. IIT was not known at the government school I used to attend. So, I joined a Government Science College with Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics as subjects. This college was the Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, located near the lower lake in Bhopal.
It now feels amusing to think that I wanted to become an actuary (for unknown reasons). But in a dramatic turn, life took me to study engineering. My father’s friend Appa Limaye was a lecturer in electronics at the Government Polytechnic College. He took me to the first principal of Maulana Azad College of Engineering (MACT), now called MANIT, and persuaded me to fill the admission form.
What followed was quite amusing and still makes me chuckle. After a few days, I went to the principal, Mr. Beedkar, asking him to return my application fee, Rs. 10 – a considerable amount, since I had decided to continue my science education and not pursue engineering. Of course, he laughed off the request and told me it wasn’t possible. That’s how I landed in MACT to become an engineer.”
This memory is from an era when Indian youth had limited career options, and their awareness was even more so. Within these constraints, Mr. Raje made a decision — one that changed his life forever.
His journey from his college days to building a sustainable engineering enterprise is elaborated in his memoir. The book is filled with evocative and inspiring memories like this one.
For now, pause for a moment, and reflect on the anecdote shared above. Imagine how exhilarating and enlightening this single story becomes when viewed through the lens of today’s pervasive and ever-transforming environment.
Stories like these empower and inspire individuals striving to make it big. Do you know of similar inspiring stories that deserve to be shared? Reach out to us, and let’s bring those narratives to light.